Beaglebone Black

Setting up a Beaglebone Black with Debian Buster for IoT

Setting up a Beaglebone Black with Debian Buster for IoT

Our requirements were to use a low powered device that would be capable of running off a n off the shelf Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery for at least 4-6 hours. With this in mind we dusted off a set of 3 Beaglebone Black (BBB) boards we have had since 2013. The BBB comes with a 2GB eMMC card on the board, a 10/100 Mbps ethernet PHY chip and connector, a USB-A and USB mini-B connector and 512MB of RAM. It also is capable of booting off a microSD card, which is the method we would be using. This post describes how to setup a BBB with Debian Buster with an image designed for IoT use in the year 2021.